Friday, September 10, 2010

perennial begonia

Perennial begonias are sometimes referred to as 'come-again' begonias. I got my start many, many moons ago from Annie, which makes it a very special 'friendship' plant! Their heart-shaped leaves and graceful pink and white flowers are a lovely addition in the autumn season. They do best shaded from afternoon sun and better yet, they do very well in dry shade, an enormous plus in my books!
They spread rapidly without being invasive by rooting in small nodules and are very easy to transplant in the spring. They tend to show up later in the season, so one needs to be on the lookout for them when working the ground.

After they peak in bloom, the flower has a 'parchment-like' look...very lovely...with the plant keeping its looks until frost. Come by in late spring next year and I'll gladly share some plants with you! :)

...happy gardening!


1 comment:

Esther Sensenig said...

I love this plant ! I have the pink and I had a white too, but I think I lost that one because of how late they come up in the spring !

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