Take one potential find purchased at a GW...
add lovely sheet music from thrift shops...
and bring them together!
- gave her a coat of primer/paint before my i-love-sheet-music days
- discovered it's easier to tear the sheet music in one to two inch wide strips
- saved the best for last and used the song title of the sheet music as a focal point
- then tucked the writer's name below it...too cute!
- (did I say I love sheet music?!)
The lovely cameo puts a nice finish around her neck.
Right now she sits on a recycled lamp-pedestal-treated-with-my-favorite-treatment,
because the wooden pillar is too tall for the top of a the LINEN CUPBOARD.
but I know I'll find another one at GW if Iwait long enough!
GW had about a dozen of these...now I wonder why I didn't buy them all?! :)
A simple and easy project!
linking to The Lettered Cottage

tutorials & tips
A simple and easy project!
linking to The Lettered Cottage

tutorials & tips
That is gorgeous!!! Hard to believe the beauty that can be created from seemingly nothing!
The cameo is perfection with the sheet music.
Hugs, Cindy
Awesome project!!!! The sheet music is pretty great!!!
How creative and it turned out lovely. The sheet music is perfect~! ;-)
How imaginative and creative you are!
This I love! The way you can visualize that an object could 'be something' is amazing to me. Sheet music is a good friend.
A dozen of these ....WHAT? ... what is that? it looks like a water bottle or something. But not now of course... but I have to know, what is it?
I love the potentiality of junk as much as the next person...although I just can't wrap my mind around this.
You did a fantastic job, I love the cameo broach /choker collar too.
so pretty. NNNNoooowwwwwWWWW.
That looks so nice. I couldn't even tall what it was from that first picture so I was quite surprised to see a little bust show up. Lovely makeover! And yes that cameo provides exactly the right kind of touch.
Very cool! It looks so expensive. You did an awesome job on it.
Ok, I would have NEVER thought to do something this creative with the original piece. Rachel did an amazing job!
-your neighbor over at Layla's link party
ohhh, yeah...you shoulda bought them all. A GREAT piece... for show or utilitarian use for those hoards of jewelry ! I had to check to see where you lived...I wanna rush to that GW to get some of those. Alas, you're 1700 miles away. You did a lovely job and it makes me want to do something with the notebook of sheet music I just got at our church's rummage sale.
Beautiful...that's all I can say!
No time to comment...on my way to Goodwill! Thanks,
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