Thursday, January 6, 2011


i decluttered!
i decided early in December to share my excess goodies with my girls -
well, it WAS excess...but GOOD excess! :)
when we downsized six years ago, i commented when this area is full it's time to clean out again.
that time came!

- my storage room -
i had even forgotten what i had and did save a few things.
i put the girl's names in a basket and pulled their names,
then the last one got to choose first.
after six rounds, it became a 'pick what you want' jamboree!
it felt really good to watch it walk away!
in the other room the grandkids were having a party of their own.
 (she really isn't picking her nose!)
 and P is only posing!
the shelves are empty and i can pick up more goodies rearranged!
all this doesn't mean i'll stop thrifting or doing yard sales...
it merely allows me thefun and freedom to do it again! :) 



Anonymous said...

Looks like a grand party!! Can you put my name on the guest list for next time?? =) Happy Restocking! Rachel M.

Joyce - Quilted Nest said...

Wow - wish you were my mom! Sounds like fun... And I'm with you - I'll probably always be a thrifter and yard saler.

fleurcottage said...

Rachel, it was easier & 'funner' than a yard sale! :)
Joyce, what more can i say?! :)

Mimy said...

What a great way to get rid of stuff and make room for more bargains and finds instead of letting it pile up. Bet your kiddos loved it too!

Cindy said...

I'm jealous, I don't have a mom to spoil me like that.;o) That must have been so fun for your kids, though.
Thank you for the hints on how to make a wreath, I am determined to make one.
Hugs, Cindy

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Woo~hoo! Room for more.Happy hunting.~Cheers Kim

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