Tuesday, September 25, 2012

2012 Summer Roundup

Summer 2012.
It's written in the pages of history.
Good memories of reunions, ballgames, mini golfing with the grands.
Dealing with the hard stuff of a second diagnosis of cancer.
Disappointment. Tears. Fear. Rebellion. Anger.
But in it all, we're again finding our God is bigger than any of this!

Our summer in picture.

My seventh garden tour in eight years.
A private tea for a fundraiser.
My new strawberry bed made by Mr D.
Mr D getting his first chemo treatment.
He has very minimal hair loss so far and has three more treatments to go.
Tea party with the girls.
A basket of beans from a local farmer are now in our freezer - I hadn't done any for some time!
 My experiment in Back to Eden gardening was very successful!
Did you know that unwashed homegrown eggs do not need to be refrigerated? I didn't.
And I've been doing this for six months...
and losing weight for nine months and feel wonderful!
I've fallen for the 'skinny belt' look but refuse to pay ten bucks per belt -
I find mine at thrift shops or do without. :)
(more on this journey in another post)


Blondie's Journal said...

How fun to look back at your summer! You manage to surround yourself with beauty in spite of all the obstacles life has a way of throwing our way. All the best to you and Mr. D.!


Rachel @ The Olde Farmhouse on Windmill Hill said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! I know from experience how HARD that is.

Your gardens are just beautiful; you definitely have a gift! I enjoyed these pics as well. Blessings to you and Mr D. as you journey through this tough spot with his health.


Joyce - Quilted Nest said...

you're looking great!!! Proud of you - I'm not so dedicated...

Cynthia said...

Your Home and yard is beautiful! I love the flowerbed in the background of the new strawberry bed picture! Do you have any other pictures of that flowerbed?

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