Our worship service was moving and powerful yesterday. Two young ladies in their early twenties had spent three months in the slums of Cambodia working with children in an orphanage. Yesterday they shared their story through power point and their own personal journey. Their passion to BE Jesus to these innocent children who often end up in child slavery was a call to the rest of us to BE Jesus wherever we are!
Several years ago, our church started a kid's club, which morphed into Life Club, using the Teen Challenge facility.Teen Challenge was impressed with the results and offered to work with them so the teens have a place to go to instead of the streets. There was special prayer for those who give their time to this work.
We surrounded a young married couple with a laying on of hands and prayer, who will be spending four months in Uganda in an orphanage of sixty children, ages birth to six years. Their heart cry is also to reach the community via the hospitals, where the good care is not given as it is here. I was blessed in listening to their passion for 'lost' children.
I, too, want to BE Jesus wherever I am!