Friday, August 26, 2011

It's Been Too Long...

My August was an enforced 'vacation'...I was sick two-thirds of it with a head cold and a really painful ear infection - thank God I'm better now! My latest project is taking longer than I thought so I'll tease you with another picture!
I'm hoping it will be finished next week.


On other news, I won this LOVELY giveaway - thank you, Shelly! I'll think of you when I use these items and your thoughtfulness in choosing the items to do this giveaway celebrating your thirtieth birthday!

Then there's the earthquake! Yes, I know it's old news by know but we seldom get quakes here and this one was the 'quakiest' one since 1944. The quakes that generally happen here are mere blips, kind of like a heavy truck passing by that can easily be missed. But not this one! I was sitting in our recliner and felt it before I heard it. When the dishes began to rattle, the house to shake and the hanging lamp to sway, I knew it wasn't merely a heavy truck passing by. After the noise stopped, I could feel it humming away - a strange feeling indeed! And yes, my thoughts went to the horror in Japan and I'm grateful that in our experience nothing bad happened. Strangely enough, Hubs was working outside and missed hearing/feeling it.

We have a church picnic planned for tomorrow with hurricane Irene threatening to change those plans! Be safe this week end!


Blondie's Journal said...

I'm sorry to hear you were sick...hope you are better! I think that earthquake took everyone by surprise. Thankfully we didn't feel it in the Midwest!

Looking forward to seeing more of your project, Esther!!


Joyce - Quilted Nest said...

Good to see you 'back'. I've missed you and your creativity.

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