Ah, lavender! A must-have perennial that is an all-season plant when the only time it's not pretty is right after it's cut back and it gets its new growth. But that's only for several weeks - after that, it's an itty-bit plant of paradise the rest of the year! Ooh-la-la, that smell! Even in the winter when it's crushed or touched the aromatic smell is still there.
Lavender is not a fussy plant except for two things - it cannot be planted in moist ground and it must be trimmed hard. It loves hot and dry weather and it must be trimmed close to the ground. If its not trimmed back hard it gets woody and eventually fades away. Last year i got a little lazy and mowed one of them close to the ground and noticed it's already greening up - the others aren't yet.
Cutting it back!
First, get yourself a hedge trimmer - it's a huge time-saver! I used to use a hand trimmer (imagine that!) that took fa-ev-a! Investing in a hedge trimmer is a worthwhile investment. Just be careful with the electric cord.
This is what i call 'a bad hair day!' It's important to let last year's growth on all winter as it helps to protect the root system from extreme cold in the winter. And it looks lovely with fresh snow on it, as well as using it for decoration. I start cutting in the center and cut around it, shaping it into a mound.
After buzzing around the four plants, I was lucky enough to have starts that have rooted themselves. I now have three new plants that will be transplanted out front by the new picket fence that is replacing the knock-out roses. Ta-da...finished!
- summer of 2010 -
Isn't this gorgeous?!
Even while cutting it looks artistic! I usually burn what's cut off as it's dry and brittle but it can be tossed in the compost bin, though it will take a while to break down. I noticed today it's greening up with tiny leaves.
Yes, this is truly a delightful perennial to have!
...happy gardening!
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