Friday, June 4, 2010

a delicious salad!

yeah, i know...there's all kinds of 'delicious' salads out there,
but i'm so enjoying this yummy one.
- here's the recipe -

two heads lettuce
one onion, chopped
one pkg feta cheese
(or cheese of choice)

saute till browned...
one pkg ramon noodles, broken up
one cup chopped pecans
in one/fourth cup butter

fruit of choice

one/half to one cup sugar
one cup olive oil
one/half cup vinegar

this is best eaten with the dressing poured on just before eating,
and is especially good with leftover chicken!




Anonymous said...

I will definatly try the salad---- I have soooo much lettuce ready right now.

Shelly said...

I love hearing/reading about other's summertime food inspirations. I've been wanting to post some of my own too because it's fun and I figure others might like seeing *my* food like I like theirs. =) Thanks for the salad idea!

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