Friday, April 16, 2010


The aroma!
Its beauty!
A very welcome guest inside -
and they're everywhere in the house!
in the livingroom...
the bathroom...
  the dinningroom...
and the kitchen window.
They're soon gone but not forgotten!


Outside on the back deck is silver bells choclate vine - or akebia 'silver bells.' It's a twinning vine and really needs a narrow lattice to climb twine around; I used grapevine trimmings and wove them through the arbor roof.
It pushes buds very early in the spring...
and quickly looks like this.
here you can see it twinning around the grapevine...
and looks like this on top.
i keep it under control by 'guiding' it or trimming it back.
- today, it looks like this -
The smell is ab-so-lute-ly heavenly!!

 Here is the description on the tab...
Fragrant pale pink flowers accent the attractive choclate purple foliage.
Has a climbing, twinning growth habit.
Good for arbor, trellis or fence cover.

A wonderful addition to any garden!




Rose said...

Beautiful! as always. I can't wait to smell it.

Tina said...

Oh that lilac just reminds me so much of my Nanna, she had lilac trees all through her garden, such wonderful happy memories, brought back by something so simple as a flower:) Wishing you a wonderful weekend Esther ~ Tina x

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