Thursday, October 8, 2009


...i love mirrors...
...different shapes, different sizes...
...i love their reflections...
...the light they bring into a room... they seem to make a small room bigger...

...i'm sharing my mirrors in our home with you...

...laundry room entrance...

...bottom mirror above stove reflects shelf in the kitchen...
...dinning room...
...mirror on left reflects the outdoors...
...mirror on right reflects the rest of the dinning room...

...interesting vignette of chair and outdoors of the same small mirror...

...all the above reflections are of the living room...

...reflections of out two baths...


...dressing room...

...i hope you enjoyed these reflections of our home...


as i think about mirrors and reflections...
i wonder...
what does my life reflect?
do i like what i see in my mirror?
do i look for outward beauty...
or the beauty that spills out into the things that really count?
my husband, my children, my friends...
or even...scary the unlovely or unlovable?
or those outside of my comfort zone?
and if i don't like what i see in my mirror, do i want to change...
change enough, so that when, at the end of the day...
i can look at myself in the mirror with clear eyes and say...
'today, i made a difference...'

1 comment:

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

What beautiful reflections each of those mirrors gives. But even more beautiful is the reflective thought you've penned here.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

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