Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ultra Violet Irradiation

UVI has been around since the thirties so it's not a new concept, though we had never heard of it until recent months. It cleans the blood as it passes through an ultra violet light, which then attacks the other bad stuff in the blood. Mr D chose to do this after the chemo failed to make any difference to his tumor. Did it help? I don't know that we'll ever know other than there was a lot of debris in his blood.

Dr Godfrey and his assistant drawing six oz of blood, using an IV container.
 The blood passes through this flat piece which is placed under the light as it goes back into his body.
 As the container empties, it leaves these bubbles behind which will be a consistent pattern by the time the ten sessions are finished.
 Mr D waiting the ninety minutes it takes for the blood to drip back through the IV and back into his body.
This is a painless procedure other than the IV pricks. We felt it had as much value as the chemo treatments, especially in light of what we learned in this past week. The next step in this cancer journey is having surgery to remove the tumor in several weeks at Mercy Hospital, using the HYPEC method. Mr D is thrilled that finally someone is doing the surgery he had been asking for since July 2012.

I'll keep updating on this as it happens.


Serenity Cove said...

Lifting you up in prayer!

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

That is so interesting.
I've seen them do something similar with the blood for people with MS. These are all things that God has allowed Medicine to become for healing. I'm praying for you and Mr. D. --

boat supplies online said...

This UVI is very new to me, I think that there may be execelente several treatments and methods to fight several disease.
I just wonder if this treatment will work to fight PLEVA?

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