Monday, July 23, 2012

Church Attendance

I found this church attendance sign at a yard sale on Saturday.

It's got a split down the center, missing pieces of wood to hold the words/numbers in and is generally a wonky piece. I could buy all of it for $5.00.
I really bought it for these...
Zero to nine!
Eight of each!

I nearly bought the numbers and left the sign there but figured that would be a tad on the stupid? silly? side.
I can think of uses for the numbers that include a hole puncher and raffia, ribbon or lace.
But the board itself?

What would you do with it?


Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

Good frugal find, Esther!

How about painting the whole thing white and glue cork board to fill in the last 3 sections.....or glue or nail on sheet metal for magnets and paint the top portion with blackboard paint?

I know it is overdone, but that's what I invision.....either that or make into a teaspoon display rack or teacups and saucers or just a shelving unit.

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

I would probably paint and distress it, then add a chalkboard up top. I'd leave the little signs. They add character.

Libby said...

Sell it to me. I have been looking for a church hymn board. Please contact me at to discuss. Loveit!

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