Monday, May 17, 2010

week end

oh, my, my...
ev-er-y-thing is BURSTING with buds and blooms!
these knock-out roses are in the front yard,
and the road is on the other side of them.
they are now in their third summer without being pruned
and i've come to like the feeling of privacy it gives.
  they are gor-ge-ous!

a friend gave me these iris' and are blooming for the first time.

then there is this...
and these, of which the picture doesn't do this color justice at all!
(to care for iris' go here)
the peonies are coming into their glory (yea!) and the allium is leaving.
and the day started with this...
oh, my!

we're in for several cool, cloudy days
 with the promise of sun and seventy degree weather
the end of the week...


The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord:
and he delighteth in his way.
Psalm 37:23

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